Խñ ҽϴ

 Ѹģ Eye Spy a Panda ȭå ı


2000-11-03 10:19

ȸ 5,001



īī īī丮 α ̹ ̽ Ʈ

panda.gif (10.51KB)

- ٿε

ٿε մϴ.

츮󿡼 Խø ġ ߿ ߴ ̶ Ƹ  Ŷ Ѵ. Ƹ ó....
츮 з°綧( мдɷ½̶ ī) Դٴµ ״ и ϰ Ÿ ϱ Ÿ۵ ߴ ߿ п ߴ ִ.
п  翬 Ѹģ  ο 4 Ǿµ ַ ߴɷ Ѵ.
ȸ翡 Իؼ 4Ⱓ ýǷ ҿ ȸȭ п ϰ ٳ. ġ ʴ...
Ѹ  Ĺ ...

׷ ȥؼ ̸ Ű  ̿Ը ó ' Ѹġ ! ' Ŵ.
׷ ̰ 9 Ǿ ó å Ͽµ ݱ(׷ ޹ۿ ȵ) ִ å ѱ ҰϷ Ѵ.
̰ ٴ Flap Book ߰ ִ å Flap Book µ ߿ å 'Eye Spy a ~' ø ε ѹ ٻֱ⿡ ʹ δ (ѱǿ ̰ŵ) 켱 'Eye Spy a Panda!' ߴ.

δ ټۿ ȵǰ ټ Ȱ ϱ⿡ å .
å ִ Ǵٰ öƽ ù ΰ վ ִ ̵ ߴ. å ƱⰡ ϰ 츮 Ʊ ׻ ۿ հ ֱ⸦ Ѵ.
å µ ִ 鼭 Ȱ ؼ ⸦ ָ ȴ. Flap ִ.
쿡 ̷ Ѵ.

ù忡 ڿ ȣ̰ ִµ
Who do I spy behind the wall?
ڿ ִ ?
Do you wonder what animal spy behind the wall?
ڿ ִ ñ ʴ?
Lift the flap?
÷ ?
hm, It's a tiger!
, ȣ̱.
Tiger says "Roar! Roar! Hi Baby! Nice to meet you. I'm Tiger."( Ҹ)
Ÿ̰Ű ϸ ȳ ư ݰ. ȣ̾.
Tiger is the king of animals in korea.
ȣ̴ 츮󿡼 ̾.
What do tiger say?
Ÿ̰Ű ?
"Roar, roar!"

öƽ Ű
Ah, These are the tiger's eyes.
̰͵ ȣ ̾
ϸ ̴ Ƽ ÷ ߸ ۿ հ ִ ϸ .

ι° ÷ Ǯ׸ε ÷ ߸ ϴ ڳ(an elephant taking a bath in the river) ´.
Who do I spy in the water's path?
ӿ ִ ϱ?
Lift the flap?
÷ ?
It's an elephant taking a bath.
ϰ ִ ڳα.
Elephant has a long nose like this.(ڳ ڸó ڸ )
ڳ ó ڸ ܴ.
Elephant's nose is the longest among the animals.
ڳ ڴ ߿ ܴ.
Elephant likes to take a bath.
ڳ ϴ° .
Elephant says "Hi Baby, do you like to take a bath like me?"
ڳ ϳ "ʵ ó ϴ° ϴ?"

° 忡 ԰ ִ ⸰ ִ.
Who do I spy that's tall as the trees?
ó ūŰ ϱ?
Lift the flap?
÷ ?
hm, It's a giraffe munching on leaves!
ðִ ⸰̷α
It looks good!
Giraffe is the tallest animals.
⸰ Űū ̾.
Giraffe likes to munch on leaves.
⸰ Դ° .
What food do you like?
ʴ  .
If you want to grow tall like a giraffe, you must eat a balanced diet.
⸰ó Ŀ Ծ.

׹° 忡 ִ ִ.
Who do I spy behind the palm?
ڿ ϱ?
Lift the palm?
Wa, It's a gorilla looking quite calm.
ϰ ִ 󱸳.
Gorilla is similar with man .
IQ is very high like a man.
ó Ӹ
The shape is resemble to man and can walk two legs.
ϰ ٸ ־.

忡 ִ Ǵٰ ִµ
Taking pictures, who do I view?
ִ ϱ?
Lift the flap?
÷ ?
It's a panda spying on you.
Ǵٰ ־.
These are panda's eyes.( Ű)
̰ Ǵ ̾.
Panda says lifting hand "Hi baby, nice to meet you. I'm panda.
I like a bamboo shoot. It is my favorite food. How about you?"
Ǵٰ λϳ "ȳ ư, ݰ. Ǵپ.
׼ Ѵܴ. ׼ ϴ ̾. ʴ ϴ?"
"I am a kind of bears, do you remember polar bear and brown bear?"
" ϳ. ϱذ̶ ﳪ? "
"Now I'm taking a picture. Do you like to take a picture?"
" ִ̾. ʵ ° ϴ?"

å а ִµ ̴ ؼ ÷ ߸ ۿ հ ִ ϸ ƱⰡ å ° ڿ
Do you wonder another bear's story? Let's read another bear's story book.
ٸ ̾߱Ⱑ ñ ʴ? ٸ ̾߱⸦ .
Which do you want to read polar bear or brown bear?
ϱذ ̾߱⸦ оٱ?
ϸ ٸ å Ѿ.
츮 ƱⰡ å ϴ ߿ ù ȣ flap ణ . Eye spy a Puppy Ҵ å ȹ̴. ߿ Flap book ƽ ׳ ׸ Spot flap å Paper book̶ 츮Ʊ⿡ ΰ .(Ƹ ״ϱ)

Ʊ⿡ ִ å Ʊ⿡ 켱 ־ Ұ̴. ׷ å õϰ ʹ.

> ũϿ ȮϽ ֽϴ. ۿ ּ.

α ּ

ȣ ۾ ȸ

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Ȱ ũƮ